The Works Cited Page
On this page you will learn about how to create a works cited page following MLA citation standards
Bibliography vs. Works Cited - What's the Difference?
You may have heard the two terms, "Bibliography" and "Works Cited" thrown around interchangeably. The truth is that they are two different words with two completely different meanings.
A bibliography is a list of sources that the writer recommends for further reading.
A works-cited list is a list of sources that were included in the author's writing.
The good news is that references in MLA bibliography format and regular works-cited lists are structured the exact same way. This section of the website is dedicated to the creation and standards of the works cited page. Be sure to refer to the MLA Citation Basics page for information about in-text citations, because the in-text citation links to the works cited!
To the left you can see what a works cited page looks like. It follows the same page formatting standards that can be found on the MLA page formatting page.
The works cited page goes on page at the end of your paper, on a separate page.
The title, "Works Cited," is centered, with no special formatting.
The works cited page list is alphabetical by author last name.
If there are multiple authors, your in-text citation includes the first author listed on the publication (or website), and your full citation includes all authors following the same order presented on the publication.
If your publication does not have an author, you use the name of the organization that published the text as author. This is called “author as organization.”
Citation creation software all over the internet, but it is often loaded with ads and is often more work to create than to just write yourself. It is my firm opinion that it is easier to just write it yourself. You are responsible for correct citation, so you need to know what is required!
To learn more about the full citation, head over to the MLA Citation Basics page!